M. Cabanová, B. Kasáčová
Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Faculty of Education (SLOVAKIA)
In the framework of the VEGA 1/0415/22 project, titled Subjectively perceived difficulty of teachers' professional activities versus their life satisfaction, we focused on capturing the workload of primary education teachers. The sample consisted of 512 primary school teachers. The results indicated that teachers feel burdened mainly by activities such as classroom discipline management as well as further education of teaching staff. In-service teacher education has long been a topic of continuing education. Teachers are also remunerated on the basis of the further training they receive. However, in view of the changing conditions in education, continuing education is essential. In-service teacher education should be systemically supported and reflect the needs of teachers. It appears that, for the sample of teachers studied, training should be mainly in the areas of management and classroom management. From the results, it emerged that this is one of the activities that burdens teachers. Thus, how to provide continuous training for teachers so that they can reflect the changing needs of the learners becomes a challenge not only for school policy but also for school management.

Keywords: Primary education teacher, workload, continuing professional development, continuing education.