C. Rus-Casas, L. Morales, J.L. Sánchez-Jiménez, P. González-Torres, M.D. La Rubia
University of Jaén (SPAIN)
Gender inequality remains a significant obstacle to harnessing female talent in the business sector. This project, aimed at fostering an entrepreneurial culture among Master's students, analyzes the state of female entrepreneurship at various levels, from international to local, with the goal of raising awareness among Master's students about the importance of gender equality in entrepreneurship to fully realize women's potential in the business world. Additionally, the project presents results related to classroom activities designed to promote entrepreneurship.

The study reveals that, at the national and international levels, female entrepreneurship has increased globally, with 19.3% in potential entrepreneurship and 11.0% in new entrepreneurship. Worldwide, women represent 40% of the entrepreneurial population, though they still lag behind men. Nationally, female entrepreneurial activity has grown significantly since the 1990s, particularly in sectors such as commerce, hospitality, and healthcare. In 2023, the female entrepreneurship rate (TEA) rose to 6.1%, although consolidated initiatives decreased to 6%. The study also examines female entrepreneurship at the regional and local levels (Andalusia and Jaén). In Andalusia, female participation in entrepreneurial activity has increased, although the perception of opportunities for entrepreneurship dropped to 34.4% in 2022. In Jaén, the perception of entrepreneurial opportunities in 2022 was 29.20%, with a significant rise in female participation in the TEA to 5.31% in 2021.

Finally, to highlight local rural entrepreneurship, a directory of rural women entrepreneurs has been created to serve as examples for the students. Activities have been enhanced to connect students with mentors from the rural business sector who can provide guidance and feedback on their ideas and projects. Additionally, mentorship programs have been established between entrepreneurs and students to guide them in the development of their projects and final Bachelor thesis.

To the Vice-rectorate for Knowledge Transfer, Employability and Entrepreneurship of the University for the award of the project "Strategies to Foster Engagement Between Master's Students and Entrepreneurship" in the XII Call for Projects for the Promotion of Entrepreneurial Culture for the academic year 2023/2024.

Keywords: Gender, rural, Entrepreneurship, master, students.