C. Serrat, M.R. Estela, N. Anento, M.M. Bruguera, X. Marcote, M. Mora, C. Pantazi
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTECH (SPAIN)
EngiMath, "Mathematics on-line learning model in Engineering education", is an ERASMUS+ innovation project (2018-1-EE01-KA203-047098, Nov 1st, 2018- August 31st, 2021) that created and developed shared medium for materials suitable for web-based assessment of mathematics for engineering education curricula. In particular, final outputs include a 3 ECTS online course in engineering mathematics in seven different languages that it is integrated in Moodle, as a Learning Management Systems, and compatible with other platforms using Learning Tools Interoperability. Complete information on objectives, partner universities, intellectual outputs, dissemination activities and contact can be found at https://sites.google.com/tktk.ee/engimath.

It is well known that first-year undergraduate engineering studies include subjects of elementary content of mathematics (in particular linear algebra), often quickly treated or considered prerequisites, and, unfortunately, the huge diversity of entering levels strongly conditions the teaching process, and it demands the use of efficient and adaptive tools to the STEAM students' learning requirements. Based on this scenario and in order to contribute efficiently, in a methodological and practical way, authors undertake a unique teaching innovation project, EngiMath@UPC+, granted by the Institute of Education Sciences at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTECH (UPC).

The EngiMath@UPC+ project consists of a proposal to introduce an online training material, the main output of the European ERASMUS+ EngiMath project, as a blended learning methodology in a wide range of Linear Algebra subjects at the UPC. It represents a qualitative step forward, which consists of its corresponding formal integration in the teaching methodology of the subjects, in terms of content and assessment, but especially in the impact of the blended teaching/learning binomial, and the corresponding final competency assessment model. EngiMath@UPC+ is a multicentre study, with the initial participation of 7 professors from 2 departments and an impact on more than 1000 students from 3 Schools/Faculties and studying 6 different subjects in 6 different engineering degrees, in the 2023-2024 academic year. The analysis of the data allows to describe/characterize indicators of levels or values of motivation, efficiency, performance, learning experience, acquisition of skills, adequacy of the platform, and validation of the proposed blended learning methodology.

Details and analysis of the case study conducted during the 2023-2024 second semester, students follow-up methodology, qualitative and quantitative analysis of the longitudinal student-specific profiles and performance of the course, pros and cons discussion, main conclusions and recommended actions to be taken into account when using this blended methodology and resource will be introduced and discussed along the paper.

Keywords: Blended Learning, Self-assessment, Online Learning, Linear Algebra, EngiMath, Higher Education, Mathematics Learning, ERASMUS+ project.