D. Pappa1, J. Pawlowski2, K. Clements3, S. Sotiriou4
1 National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos” (GREECE)
2 Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences (GERMANY)
3 University of Jyväskylä (FINLAND)
4 Ellinogermaniki Agogi (GREECE)
The constant influx of educational technology brings both vast opportunities and challenges. While digital technologies and, more recently, artificial intelligence (AI) offer new and exciting learning opportunities, it can also overwhelm educators and students who often struggle to keep up with the rapid pace of change. For teachers to make good use of novel educational technologies, they need support in addressing the challenges of effectively integrating these technologies into the classroom.The emphasis is increasingly placed on creating classroom environments that facilitate effective and enjoyable learning, which goes beyond the simple operationalisation of innovative educational technologies. It means harnessing the power of novel tools and technologies for positive educational outcomes while mitigating potential risks such as reduced motivation, burnout or adverse effects on mental and emotional well-being that can negatively impact learning outcomes and performance. The development of well-being in schools is a crucial component of innovative educational approaches, which acknowledge the connection between emotional, social and academic success.

This article first investigates the well-being issues associated with key educational technologies.We specifically look at the case of technostress in distance learning and the findings of the POSITIVE LEARN project on this subject. POSITIVE LEARN set out to examine the negative impacts of distance learning on well-being in the context of Emergency Remote Education (ERE) and proposed comprehensive remedial strategies that span multiple dimensions: revising educators' competencies through the integration of digital skills with emotional e-competencies, incorporating positive pedagogical approaches, and technostress-aware lesson planning.

With the spread of novel technologies such as generative AI, other critical dimensions arise that also need to be taken into account.The article discusses the way forward in the rapidly evolving educational landscape.

Keywords: Technology-enhanced education, well-being.