C. Rus-Casas, M.D. La Rubia, J.L. Sánchez-Jiménez, J.D. Aguilar-Peña
Universidad de Jaén (SPAIN)
The Organic Law 2/2023, of the Spanish University System, establishes that: "Universities will develop initial and continuous training for the performance of the teaching activities of the faculty and provide the necessary tools and resources to achieve quality teaching." The PID (Training Plan for Teaching and Research Staff) of the University of Jaén for the period 2024-2027 addresses the training needs required by current learning scenarios, including training actions oriented to various areas of activity such as promoting innovation in educational practice to improve the learning process and enhancing the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to develop new learning environments; providing transversal training for university teaching and research.

Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) are a concept that allows the design of training around key competencies such as learning to learn and digital competence. Some authors consider the PLE as the use of technologies for learning in which a set of tools, information sources, connections, and activities are used by each student to learn. The PLE is structured around those tools that enable three basic cognitive processes: reading, reflecting, and sharing.

This work demonstrates, through a teacher training course, how a group of professors applies the concept of personal learning environments and content curation in the engineering courses they are involved in. As a result of this activity, several courses focused on PLE and CC have been taught to PDI in recent years. In this last academic year 2023/24, the number of enrolled students was 20, with a duration of 20 hours, distributed as follows: 4 face-to-face sessions in a computer lab and 4 synchronous sessions conducted via Google Meet, along with 4 asynchronous hours for completing the various assigned activities. The number of instructors for the course was 6, including teachers from the fields of pedagogy, computer science, and members of the PID group. The topics covered ranged from the concept of PLE and CC to new tools to be used in the different phases of the process and the incorporation of artificial intelligence in some of them, with activities conducted both in the classroom and at home. The faculty who received this training have been very active and will incorporate these tools into the undergraduate training of other degrees different from engineering in the next academic year.

This research was funded by the Teaching Innovation Project "INCORPORATION OF THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS IN SUBJECTS FROM THE AREA OF MATERIALS SCIENCE. USE OF PLE AND CONTENT OF CURATION (PIMED33_202123)" included in the 2021 call for the Plan for Innovation and Teaching Improvement of the University of Jaén (PIMED-UJA 2019-2023).

[1] Plan de formación para el PDI. Universidad de Jaén ( España) [ On line: https://www.ujaen.es/gobierno/vicfited/plan-de-formacion-para-el-pdi ]
[2] CASTAÑEDA, L. y ADELL, J. (Eds.) (2013). Entornos Personales de Aprendizaje: claves para el ecosistema educativo en red. Alcoy: Marfil. [ On line https://www.lindacastaneda.com/es/mushware/libroples/]

Keywords: Personal Learning Environments, teacher training course, digital competence.