B.M. Santos Figueiredo1, C. Barboza Moura Chianca1, C. Ferreira Moreno1, E.H. Quadros Viana Costa1, F. Del Gaudio Campbell1, I. da Silva Vieira1, J.C. Cardoso Duarte1, M.G. Valeriano1, L. Ribeiro Santos1, C.A. Martins1, F. de Andrade Pereira1, I. Batista Henriques1, M.M. Silva1, L. Kühl Teles1, G. Santos Evangelista2, A. Bessa Veloso2, K. Donato Fook1
1 Aeronautics Institute of Technology (BRAZIL)
2 Brazilian Space Agency (BRAZIL)
This work presents an initiative within WiSTEM2D (Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Manufacturing and Design) Project of Aeronautics Institute of Technology (ITA) during 2022-2023. The Python Game Programming MiniCourse was developed to support high school students and others in learning Python for game development. The minicourse was designed with a pragmatic and enjoyable approach, guiding participants step by step through the development of the game "Space Escape". This educational endeavor is the result of the cooperation between ITA faculty, undergraduate and graduate students in partnership with the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB) associated with the United Nations Development Programme (PNUD). The primary motivation behind this minicourse is the fostering and extension of STEAM and spatial applications fields in basic education institutions across the country. Launched on the AEB Virtual Learning Platform with ITA students as instructors, the course format includes recorded lessons, asynchronous exercises, and tutoring support. This support helped clarify misunderstandings and guided students throughout their learning journey. The course data and students' feedback are presented in order to quantify and analyze the obtained impact. The course remains available on the AEB platform with ongoing new classes. This initiative significantly contributes to empowering young people with essential programming skills, inspiring future generations to pursue careers in STEM fields.

Keywords: Women in STEAM, women in technology, computer programming, hands-on projects, STEM education.