F. Vieira, S. Monteiro, S. Santos, I. Pereira, F. Morais, S. Caires
University of Minho, Research Centre on Education (PORTUGAL)
In initial teacher education programs, the student teachers’ immersion in school contexts through practicum experiences represents a unique opportunity for them to come into contact with the demands and challenges of teaching, develop professional competences, and start building their professional identity. Being placed in real work contexts is a catalysing process for understanding the profession and positioning themselves as teachers-to-be, which, to a large extent, will condition their future success in entering the labour market. However, being immersed in schools may not be enough to ensure the integral and harmonious development of the personal and professional competences needed to become reflective, inquiry-oriented professionals who are able to create meaningful learning experiences for themselves and for their students. The quality of practicum experiences seems to depend largely on how faculty and school supervisors support the development of their ability to reflect on teaching and on their own professional growth. Even though the literature on teacher education points out the central role of reflection for learning to become a teacher, reflection poses challenges to student teachers and there are no simple solutions to foster the process of learning to reflect.

In order to promote a reflective stance during practicum experiences and support the supervisory process, the Student Teacher's Personal and Professional Development Instrument (STPPDI) was developed. The STPPDI takes a broad perspective on the scope of reflection and aims to support student teachers’ reflection on a wide range of competences organised into four key domains: specialised teaching competences; creativity competences; socio-emotional competences; and career management competences. The methodology used to develop the IPPDI involved focus group interviews to student teachers and supervisors, and a pilot study with a small group of student teachers and their supervisors. The current version will be explored through case studies in 8 programs, in the first semester of 2024-25. Preliminary findings regarding the potential value of the STPPDI will be presented, and practical implications and challenges of its use in practicum settings will be discussed.

Keywords: Reflective practice, teacher education, practicum, competences, professional development.