I. Ancillotti, E. Gabbi, M. Ranieri
University of Florence (ITALY)
Digital technologies have become an integral part of educational and school practices. However, it remains essential to understand how to use them effectively to promote learning and improve pedagogical quality for different targets. Beyond the instrumental use of technologies, attention must be paid to their pedagogical impact and the conditions under which their use improves teaching practices. Developing educators' digital skills is essential to successfully integrate technological innovations into the curriculum, ultimately supporting pupils' progress throughout their learning journey, tailored to different levels of education.

This contribution is grounded in the Erasmus+ D-Paideia project, launched in 2023 to focus on teachers’ digital competence dimensions that were crucial during the COVID-19 experience but are still unrepresented in the European framework DigCompEdu: social and emotional skills, digital well-being and mental health. Following an extensive literature review, which included theoretical frameworks, operational models and empirical data, some elements - related to professional development and socio-relational competences relevant to teaching effectively in a digital and hybrid environment - were identified. To assess the value of these new dimensions of digital competence for teaching, consultations were conducted between June and July 2023 with teachers and education experts who voluntarily joined various events organised in different European countries, achieving a significant level of participation.

The present mixed methods study is part of a broader research project on the validation of the D-Paideia Qualification Framework. The data were collected during the teachers’ consultations via a questionnaire that included 12 questions with a Likert scale (1-7) to investigate the degree of agreement or disagreement with statements related to the topics of possible additions to DigCompEdu, as well as an open-ended question. Quantitative and qualitative analyzes of the data are being carried out, using statistical and content analysis respectively.

In addition to the descriptive statistics on the various aspects of digital competences that can be integrated into DigCompEdu, the 158 participants were categorized by the educational level at which they teach (ranging from ISCED 0 to ISCED 3). The results of the non-parametric comparison between the groups indicate significant differences in only one item, which relates to the pedagogy of digital teaching in addition to the use of digital tools. Moreover, the responses to the open-ended question (“In your professional practice, what are the most important aspects of digital competence for teaching?”) were collected and analyzed using thematic analysis with an inductive categorization approach, supported by the QCAmap software. The preliminary results provide an overview of the specific aspects of digital competence for teaching among educators across various educational levels. The analysis revealed key themes that highlight the challenges and needs teachers face, as well as the diverse practices they employ, in integrating digital competencies into their teaching environments to effectively meet the specific needs of their student audiences.

These findings underscore the multifaceted nature of digital competence in education and highlight the critical areas that need to be addressed to foster a more effective and inclusive digital teaching landscape.

Keywords: Digital literacy, Teachers' Professional Development, ISCED levels, Erasmus project.