L. Gómez Estrada1, L. Gómez Estrada1, L.A. Ribeiro Martins1, L. Pietra2, S. Randaccio2, C. Zoli2, P. Karampelas3, J. Nunes4, M. Liamis5, J.B. Tormos Capilla6, R. Navarro Cerveró7, J.L. Gómez Ribelles8
1 Ikasia Technologies SL (SPAIN)
2 Smallcodes Srl (ITALY)
3 1st Epalgematiko Lykeio Kato Achaias (GREECE)
4 Somatica, Materials & Solutions (PORTUGAL)
5 Ergastiriako Kentro Kastoria (GREECE)
6 IES Enrique Tierno Galván (SPAIN)
7 Redtree Making Projects Coop.V. (SPAIN)
8 Universitat Politècnica de València (SPAIN)
In 2022, following the recommendations of the European Union, the Spanish Government approved the Organic Law 3/2022 on the Organization and Integration of Vocational Training. The new Vocational Education System proposed by this law is based on the co-responsibility of vocational training centers and companies in the training of students.

The company is expected to participate in the achievement of certain learning outcomes of the student's degree in addition to the outcomes expected from the student's own work activity in the company. This is a challenge in terms of the dedication of the company's personnel, and in particular of the student's tutor in the company, and requires prior programming and a method that makes the learning process effective and not too burdensome for the company in terms of the time of dedication of its personnel to the educational tasks.

Therefore, from the working group of the Erasmus Plus project "Building the vocational training of the future: companies and educational centers facing the challenge of the organization and integration of a more inclusive and digital VET" we have developed the "Training course for companies on how to implement the new mobilities". This course is aimed at company technicians who can act as tutors for students. We propose in this course a methodology based on critical thinking skills to organize the student's training during their stay in the company.

The methodology we propose is based on the preparation of a digital notebook for programming the student's training in the company, of which we present a concrete example in this communication. The notebook will contain brief information about their personalized training program, but the bulk of the notebook will be filled in by the student themself. They will have to write down everything related to his job: objectives, experimental protocols, information on occupational risk prevention specific to his job, waste management. They will also collect all the results obtained, for example, experimental results of quality control analysis, designs, management documents and others. They will also be asked questions and exercises that will make them achieve the expected learning outcomes.

This work has been funded by the Erasmus + program within the 2022-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000089436 project, granted in 2022 by the Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE).

Keywords: Vocational training, technology, critical thinking, methodology, research, students, evaluation.