M. Suárez-Ortega1, M.F. Sánchez-García2, A. Fernández-García2, C. Romero-García1, M.I. García-Ripa3, M.T. Padilla-Carmona1, J. González-Monteagudo1, J.M. Trujillo-Cerezo4, M.J. Chisvert-Tarazona5, D. Palomares-Montero5, S. Lucas-Mangas6, A.P. Cortes-Pascual7, M.D. Soto-González5, N. Arráiz-Pérez7, A. Berbegal-Vázquez7, K. Cano-Escoriaza7, F. Sabirón-Sierra7, B. Malik-Lievano2, B. Alvarez-González2, L. Espinar Romero1, M.R. Gálvez-García1, C. Sarrión Romero1, M.I. Fariña-Sánchez1, M. Alba-Abad1, P. Zapata-Sepúlveda8, F. García-Hernández9, M. Velardi10, N. Denzin11
1 Universidad de Sevilla (SPAIN)
2 Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (SPAIN)
3 Universidad Pontificia Católica Argentina (ARGENTINA)
4 Universidad Pablo de Olavide (SPAIN)
5 Universidad de Valencia (SPAIN)
6 Universidad de Valladolid (SPAIN)
7 Universidad de Zaragoza (SPAIN)
8 Universidad de Tarapacá (CHILE)
9 Universidad Autónoma Chapingo (MEXICO)
10 Universidad de Sao Paulo (BRAZIL)
11 University of Illinois (UNITED STATES)
In a world in crisis, and especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, which brought about a historical, social and economic turnaround, needs are becoming more acute and social problems are increasing. This situation affects to a greater extent the most disadvantaged people or those at risk of socio-occupational exclusion, groups that are growing in society. Faced with this situation, Sustainable Development Goal 8 (SDG) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda (Government of Spain, 2018), related to decent work and economic growth, places us before the need to promote employability and encourage productive fabrics and ethical employers that guarantee people's living conditions; in order to promote opportunities for integration and professional development for all people (https://ec.europa.eu/, European Social Fund 2020), "fighting against marginalization, supporting social enterprises and local associations, and working from inclusive approaches".

In this complex and changing context, the promotion of career self-management and the development of personal and professional skills is more necessary than ever. This must be done to ensure decent jobs and resource networks that make life more sustainable. The personal dimension becomes relevant, in the sense of a necessary strengthening and empowerment in connection with the variables and axes situations in which the person is inserted as a social being. In this process, guidance tools and environments through ICT must be consolidated, which is a challenge to the field of Career Guidance. Virtual media are becoming necessary and essential spaces, whose widespread use has accelerated with Artificial Intelligence; in this sense, it is necessary to support training and guidance with dynamic and interactive models, as well as with technological tools that allow access to people to respond to their needs. To this end, it is undoubtedly necessary to involve citizens in science, and for them to be an active part of the research projects we generate in a model of collaborative research-action-research; including dissemination in society and the generation of permanent workspaces that derive valid solutions to real problems, both current and future.

Based on the above, the aim of this project is to promote the personal and collective management of the professional career of citizens, especially groups at risk of exclusion, favoring social change and job improvement and entrepreneurship; all this, through the establishment of support networks and dynamization in virtual and mixed learning and guidance environments for personal and professional development. Specifically, based on a direct action aimed at working people, young people and adults, especially those at risk of exclusion, planned from an integral model for the construction of professional careers, the aim is to involve citizens and establish support and collaboration networks in virtual environments, which will lead us to enhance guidance practices for career development, thus improving the living conditions of people by promoting employability and entrepreneurship.

This publication is part of the R&D&I project "Fomento de la autogestión de la carrera profesional en contextos de cambio sociolaboral: dinamización, orientación y redes de apoyo en entornos virtuales integrados" (PID2020-114833RB-I00). Funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCIN) / Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) Spain/ MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033.

Keywords: Self-management, Professional Career, Integrated Virtual Environments, Professional/life Project, Ccp Model.