M.L. Alves, L. Coelho
Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (PORTUGAL)
As a result of combining the active learning methodologies Team Based Learning (TBL) and Microlearning (ML), the concept of TBL Plus emerged, a methodology that was implemented for the first time in the 2022/2023 academic year in the "Vehicle Production Technologies and Lifecycle" course unit of the Master's in Automotive Engineering. The Team Based Learning (TBL) Plus methodology included the following fundamental steps: formation of student teams; provision of pre-selected information by the professor for the students' prior preparation of the sessions; prior provision of pre-selected information for the challenge to be undertaken during each session; assessment of students' prior preparation; microlearning (ML) period conducted by the professor; completion of the challenge proposed to the students during each session; sharing challenges carried out by the students, in teams; peer evaluation moment.

At the end of the first year of implementation of the TBL Plus methodology, a student survey was carried out to analyse their perception of the use of TBL Plus. The questionnaire included 3 multiple-choice questions focused on the methodology used, the course contents and the functioning of the sessions: 1 linear ranking question about the global assessment of the methodology and 2 open-ended questions (1 on the less positive aspects of implementing the methodology and another on proposals for improvement).

With a view to continuously improving the implementation of TBL Plus, an analysis was made of the proposals for improvement put forward by the students by drawing up a Prioritisation Matrix, also known as GUT (Gravity, Urgency and Tendency) matrix, that was applied to optimise the implementation of the TBL Plus methodology in the 2023/2024 school year. The prioritization matrix was performed, whose objective is to reduce and order, in a rational way, the number of items to be implemented and later ordered in the matrix. This matrix is a tool to support decision-making, as it establishes a prioritisation of items, which may or may not be based on criteria with defined weights.

Following this procedure, adjustments were made to the TBL Plus methodology to mitigate or even eliminate some of the problems identified, with a view to enabling the implementation of the improvement proposals considered to be the highest priority. After the second year of implementing TBL Plus, the same survey was used to gauge students' opinions on the methodology and how it worked, and new proposals for improvements were collected for future implementation.

The results showed that 94% (improvement of 12% when comparing with the year of 2022/2023) of the students considered the implementation of the methodology to be Good (25%), Very Good (56%) or Excellent (12.5%). The students emphasised that TBL Plus allows them to get better grades, promotes teamwork, makes lessons more dynamic and effective, with greater interaction between teachers and students, and promotes continuous learning throughout the school term.

Keywords: TBL Plus, Prioritisation Matrix , Team Based Learning, Microlearning.