A. Traqueia, M. Gonçalves, R. Madeira
University of Aveiro, CIDTFF (PORTUGAL)
The communication aims to present the theoretical framework and the preliminary results of the doctoral project “Social In(ex)clusion Pathways in Vocational Education”, whose main objective is to develop a socio-educational proposal with and to Vocational Education (VE) graduates, which promotes their empowerment as critical social actors, given the objective and subjective conditions that influence the paths of social mobility, in favour of inclusion and against exclusion.

Despite having previous historical origins, the pedagogical-curricular model of Professional Courses (PC) was created around three decades ago, with the aim of offering a more practical and specialized training response, in order to reduce the high rates of early school leaving. In general, in Portugal, VE faces stigmatization associated with academic failure and the vulnerable socioeconomic context of the majority of students. Therefore, schools often reproduce social inequalities. However, there is a clear growing tendency for young people to look for a more practical educational alternative that satisfies their interests and allows them to qualify for a specialized job market or continue their studies at a higher level, aiming for social mobility.

The in-depth literature review, thus, contributed to structuring the theoretical framework in its micro, meso and macro dimensions. The literature also shows us the relevance of the theory of social and cultural reproduction, the theory of linguistic codes and the dispositional theory as the main sociological framework of research (macro dimension). The problems of diversity, equity, inclusion and social exclusion (meso dimension) are, in fact, associated with the theme of the biographical, school and post-school paths of VE students (micro dimension).

Furthermore, recent political-normative guidelines, oriented by the principles of inclusion, equity and participation, and the challenges arising from current societal transformations refer us to guidelines established by the international agenda. It is, therefore, relevant to discuss VE’s role in the democratization of education.

The ongoing research fits into the sociocritical paradigm and a qualitative approach is being developed. Content analysis of data obtained through semi-structured interviews with students and school leaders reveals relevant results for the study of students' trajectories, pointing out the heterogeneity, diversity and plurality of students’ profiles and school/post-school trajectories. The results also highlight the participants' perceptions of the constraints associated with VE in Portugal, particularly regarding to its stigmatized image, and the future challenges that arise, as well as the possible contribution of PC to issues related to innovation, inclusion and the reduction of social inequalities.

The results obtained, although preliminary, allow us to identify potentialities, constraints and challenges, as well as reflect on the specificity of the case of VE, in Portugal, and its potential contribution to the construction of a more inclusive Education, in respect for Human Rights.

Keywords: Vocational Education, Social Inclusion, Social Exclusion.