F. Cuesta-Soto1, B. García-Baños2, J.M. Catalá-Civera2
1 Conselleria de Educación, Universidades y Empleo (SPAIN)
2 Universitat Politècnica de València, ITACA Institute (SPAIN)
The rapid advance of information and communications technologies (ICT) represents a challenge for educational institutions focused on the training of future professionals, such as vocational training centres and universities.

There are many technologies that have been generated since the emergence of ICT in teaching, such as Learning Managing Systems (LMS) or virtual and augmented reality. In this sense, we have seen the spreading of online resources and the first virtual classrooms such as MOOC (massive open online courses) that have evolved. However, the continuous evolution of technologies that persists today, and the new capabilities that it embraces, should not be neglected, making room for further developments.

The availability of a greater range of tools may not necessarily imply an improvement. A boost is needed from the point of view of techno-pedagogical design and in the acquisition of digital competence for both the teacher and the entire student body. From this idea came the name of the project VIRTINF - VIRtual INFrastructure to support ICT developments in teaching. This work presents the main results of this project that include an instructional design approach working on inherent resistance to change and promoting the development of digital competencies with a significant and efficient use of available digital resources.

In this work, a virtual class prototype has been developed in an LMS that guides the learning process. This methodology enabled us to conduct a field experiment that provided valuable insights into key factors for promoting change and mitigating resistance in the adoption of effective digital practices. As a conclusion, it has been observed that establishing prior communication mechanisms to stakeholders and their active involvement in the change process to a holistic virtual approach prove to be crucial for the acquisition of agreed rule guides and the successful establishment of digital competence.

Keywords: Virtual scenarios, digital competences, ICT teaching.