S. Smojver-Azic, T. Martinac Dorcic, S. Bradic, B. Kalebic-Maglica
University of Rijeka, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (CROATIA)
The success of ICT integration into educational processes depends on various factors, both at the school and at the individual level. When considering the effects of ICT on student functioning, in addition to student self-assessments and teacher assessments, it is important to consider parents' opinions as another source of information about students' ICT competencies.

The aim of this study was to examine the effect of providing schools with ICT infrastructure on parents' attitudes about ICT and their perceptions of their children's ICT competence.

The research was part of the "e-School" project (CARNET, Croatian academic and research network) aimed at the complete computerization of teaching and business processes in the Republic of Croatia by equipping schools with high-speed internet, portable and tablet computers, and interactive whiteboards, and creating of digital educational content, teaching scenarios, and applications. It was carried out in two phases. Based on the experiences and results of the pilot project which entailed 151 schools and lasted from 2015 to 2018, the second phase (2018-2023) involved all remaining primary and secondary schools in Croatia (1323 schools). Pilot schools and new schools (from the second phase) differed in the length of involvement in the project and the extent of their ICT equipment and ICT integration in the teaching processes.

The survey was conducted with a random sample of parents of students from 313 primary and secondary schools (136 pilot schools and 177 new schools). A total of 2862 parents participated, of which 1,492 were parents of students from pilot schools (50.13% from elementary schools), while 1,370 were parents from new schools (67% from elementary schools). In the sample of parents, 88% were mothers, with an average age of 43.57 years (SD = 5.85). The attitudes and experiences of parents were examined with an online questionnaire constructed for the purposes of this research. The questionnaire on the frequency and reasons for the child's use of ICT at home, the questionnaire on attitudes towards ICT, and the questionnaire of the child's ICT competences were applied.

The majority of parents see technology as a support in schoolwork and useful in the development of technological skills and the acquisition of IT knowledge. Most parents recognize the disadvantages of ICT primarily in the domains of children’s socio-emotional functioning.

The results of the analysis of variance show that parents of primary and secondary school students who attend pilot schools have similar attitudes towards ICT as parents of new schools. Parents of students who attended schools that were previously equipped with ICT estimate that their children used technology more often to complete their school duties compared to parents of students from new schools. Regardless of the school's ICT equipment, parents equally assess the frequency of ICT use for the purpose of entertainment, using social networks, or playing games. In addition, students’ parents from pilot schools rate their children's ICT competence better than parents from the new schools do.

Continually equipping schools with appropriately used ICT infrastructure for teaching, along with adequate education of parents about the advantages and limitations of ICT, can contribute to the development of students' ICT competences.

Keywords: E-School, parents, attitudes toward ICT, children's ICT competences.