J. Kucinskiene, G. Kucinskas
Klaipedos valstybine kolegija / Higher Education Institution (LITHUANIA)
The future of education demands a paradigm shift, one that integrates the power of technology with the irreplaceable value of real-world experiences. This paper explores the synergistic relationship between these two forces in shaping a more effective and engaging learning landscape.

We delve into how technology can personalize learning experiences, tailoring content and instruction to individual needs and learning styles. This includes exploring the potential of adaptive learning platforms and immersive virtual environments to create engaging and effective learning pathways. However, the paper argues that technology alone cannot guarantee successful learning. We emphasize the importance of authentic experiences in solidifying knowledge and fostering critical thinking skills. The exploration examines how technology can facilitate and enhance these experiences, such as through: Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) applications that create immersive simulations for experiential learning; Project-based learning initiatives that leverage online platforms for collaboration and global connections, allowing students to tackle real-world problems; Makerspaces and technology labs equipped with fabrication tools and digital resources, fostering hands-on learning and innovation.

This paper underscores the need for a balanced approach that leverages technology's strengths in content delivery and personalization, while simultaneously prioritizing the development of critical skills and knowledge through engaging real-world experiences. By exploring this synergy, we can design future-oriented learning environments that empower students to become active participants in their own learning journeys.

Keywords: EdTech, XR, Learning and Teaching Innovations.