J. Figueroa-Gonzalez, B.A. Gonzalez-Beltran, S.B. Gonzalez-Brambila, L. Sanchez-Guerrero, I. Ardon-Pulido
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco (MEXICO)
Computing is one of the branches of knowledge that evolves rapidly. Technological advances in both software and hardware make its focuses and applications highly dynamic. It is common that once a technology, sub field, or application emerges, it begins to attract many people, including researchers and professionals, and its exploration begins. Many of these sub fields persist over time, while others are eventually replaced by more recent ones that offer greater advantages or change the paradigm in which activities are conducted.

These technological advances are evident in the activities of daily life, and the educational environment is no exception. At a university, where future professionals and researchers are trained, the impact of new technologies and trends should also be reflected in the work carried out by students throughout the existence of a study program.

At the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, students, as part of their graduation requirements, must complete a graduation project that integrates part of what they have learned during their studies. This is where we expect to see changes over the years, reflecting that the projects align with the evolving technologies and trends in Computing.

The Computer Engineering study program was established in 2003, and over its more than twenty years of existence, graduates have undertaken various projects. Considering this, a study is presented that analyzes the titles of graduation projects completed since the program's inception, with the aim of determining whether there has been an evolution in the topics of the projects that students have undertaken. Additionally, the main trends in Computing over this period are analyzed.

The information obtained is presented using various information visualization techniques and allows us to know the grade of relationship there is between what is being worked on in the educational environment and the evolution of trends in the area of ​​Computing, which allows us to check how updated is the training of the students.

Keywords: Engineering education, evolution of computing topics, computing and education, education research, topic in computing analysis.