D. Straksiene, I. Kaffemaniene, R. Karveliene, R. Bilbokaite
Vilnius University (LITHUANIA)
Context and relevance of the research:
A review of scientific research shows that the shortage of teachers is a problem that does not lose its relevance. Research findings show that in European countries, due to various reasons, teachers of working age leave the teaching profession early, and fewer young people choose the teaching profession. The increasing shortage of teachers in various countries encourages the search for sustainable solutions to increase the attractiveness of the teaching profession, to attract people to study in teacher training programmes and to keep them in schools. A relevant scientific problem for the quality of teacher training is a motivation of young people to teach.

The article examines the research question - why do students choose to study in teacher training programmes? What is their motivation to become a teacher?

The purpose of research:
This research aimed to analyse the motives of students to choose studies in teacher training programmes.

Research methods:
Theoretical analysis, questionnaire survey, descriptive statistics (factor analysis, correlation analysis, average calculations, etc.). This article presents a small part of the data from the student questionnaire survey.

The survey sample:
Applying non-probability convenience sampling, students of the first-cycle teacher training programmes of one of the Lithuanian universities were invited to participate in the questionnaire survey. There were 146 students of teacher training programmes of a Lithuanian university participated in the research.

The results of the research show that most of the respondents chose teacher training programmes studies purposefully. Using the method of factor analysis there were identified the main components of the motivation for choosing to study teacher training programmes: orientation to pedagogical activities; social motives, other motivation components such us influence by the other persons, accidental career. Analysing the links between study motivation and future teacher’s professional activity intentions, it was found that most of students choosing these studies intend to work in educational institutions, meanwhile a smaller number of respondents intend to study at a master's degree. The problematic issue was found that some students have not yet decided their activities after graduation and do not have a clear vision of their professional activities as prospective teacher.

Keywords: Motivation, motivations for teacher studies, prospective teachers, professional intentions.