S. Keivanpour
Polytechnique Montréal (CANADA)
This paper presents a novel, project-based pedagogy that seamlessly integrates entrepreneurship, sustainability, and artificial intelligence (AI) within a sustainable production course. Students are challenged to conceptualize and develop a startup venture focused on addressing circular economy challenges in the air mobility sector. By applying key course concepts and AI-driven strategies, students gain practical experience in tackling real-world sustainability issues. This approach fosters not only creativity, problem-solving, and systems thinking but also cultivates an entrepreneurial mindset and a deeper understanding of sustainable production principles. Through the integration of real-world stakeholders and the potential for tangible impact, students are further engaged and motivated to explore innovative solutions at the intersection of these fields.

Fostering Innovation and Skill Development for the Future:
The pedagogical project described here sought to empower students to address real-world challenges, fostering a sense of agency and preparing them for a rapidly evolving future. It aimed to cultivate not only a deep understanding of sustainable production principles but also the transferable skills essential for success in an increasingly complex world.

Theoretical Underpinnings and Methodological Implementation:
The project's pedagogical approach was grounded in several key theories:
Project-Based Learning (PBL): PBL, a cornerstone of the project, enabled students to actively construct knowledge and develop skills through the exploration of an authentic, real-world challenge.
Constructivism: This theoretical framework supported the notion that learners actively build their own knowledge through interaction with their environment and peers.
Collaborative Learning: The project underscored the importance of teamwork, recognizing that collaboration enhances problem-solving, communication, and critical thinking skills.

Methodological Implementation:
Project Launch & Team Formation: The project began with a comprehensive introduction to the challenge, emphasizing its real-world relevance and interdisciplinary nature. Students then formed teams, fostering collaboration from the outset.
Research & Ideation: Teams engaged in extensive research, exploring the realms of sustainable production, air mobility, circularity, and AI. This research phase culminated in brainstorming sessions where students generated a wide array of innovative ideas.
Concept Development & Refinement: Teams selected their most promising ideas and embarked on a process of concept development and refinement. This involved in-depth analysis, feasibility studies, and iterative design thinking.
Business Model Creation: With a refined concept in hand, teams developed comprehensive business models, considering factors such as market analysis, financial projections, and sustainability metrics.
Presentation & Feedback: The project concluded with teams presenting their final concepts and business models. This provided a platform for showcasing their work, receiving constructive feedback, and engaging in meaningful discussions.

By integrating theoretical principles with a well-structured, step-by-step methodology, the project created a dynamic learning environment where students were actively engaged, empowered to take ownership of their learning, and equipped with the skills and mindset to make a positive impact in the world.

Keywords: Sustainable production, entrepreneurship, circular economy, air mobility, artificial intelligence, project-based learning, active learning.