S. Triacca1, F. Pelizzari2
1 eCampus University (ITALY)
2 Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (ITALY)
Computer-mediated communication (CMC) systems have become an indispensable support for online learning. CMC encompasses both asynchronous and synchronous communication. The asynchronous mode allows learners to read, reflect, respond and facilitate structured discussions. In contrast, online video conferencing (OVC) systems facilitate real-time, two-way exchange of information, using laptops or mobile devices and enabling connections from multiple locations. Research in the field of distance learning indicates that students value synchronous interactions for the immediate feedback, the ability to see classmates and the perceived greater engagement.

This paper focuses on the online synchronous sessions of the blended Master’s in Business Administration and Consultancy of the Faculty of Economics of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Italy). The main objective of the study is to examine online synchronous teaching practices and student activation. According to the blended model, the sessions are delivered via Blackboard Collaborate. About 700 synchronous online sessions were monitored.

The descriptive analysis was carried out on the data collected through an observation grid, which included a brief description of the session, the technical quality of the video and audio transmission, the functionalities of the online videoconferencing system used, the teaching formats, the level of interaction and the role of the e-teacher. The main results concern the confirmed reliability of the technological infrastructure, the prevalence of the frontal lecture as a teaching mode, combined with a good level of interaction, and a change in the role of the e-teacher over time.

In overall, the synergy between advanced technological tools and innovative teaching practices made it possible to create a highly effective and engaging learning environment. Synchronous sessions not only enhanced student-teacher interaction, but also maintained high levels of student motivation and participation. This has made online learning a viable and dynamic alternative to traditional face-to-face teaching, enriching the educational experience and facilitating more active student engagement.

The combination of cutting-edge technologies with innovative pedagogical methodologies is thus radically changing the educational landscape, promoting continuous and interactive learning.

Keywords: Online synchronous communication, synchronous online sessions, online teaching, Higher Education, Blackboard Collaborate.