A. Peirats, F. Arteaga
Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir (SPAIN)
Ethics in the management of information in the digital age is vital due to the ethical challenges and responsibilities that come with it. Today, the digital revolution has transformed how we interact with information, creating opportunities and significant risks. Digital ethics focuses on establishing principles, values, and duties that guide our behaviours in the digital environment and ensure the protection of privacy, data security, and transparency in information handling.

Digital ethics addresses fundamental issues such as the right to intellectual property, diversity of opinions, equal participation in the digital society, responsible innovation, and ethical conduct online. Companies and organisations play a crucial role in promoting digital ethics by adopting policies that ensure data protection, transparency in their practices, and adaptation to an ever-evolving digital environment.

In an interconnected world where privacy and ethics are central issues, digital ethics becomes an indispensable framework to ensure information's responsible and ethical use. Implementing ethical practices in handling data, promoting digital literacy, and adopting stricter privacy policies are crucial steps in addressing ethical challenges in the digital age and building a safer and more ethical digital society for all citizens.

The objectives of this paper are summarised in three axes: on the one hand, to analyse the importance of ethics in the management of information in the digital age. Second, to identify the main ethical research and individuals in handling information.

Strategies are also proposed to address ethical challenges in information management. To carry out this research, a review of the academic literature related to information ethics has been carried out, with UNESCO's latest recommendations on ethics in AI (2023).

Keywords: Ethics, artificial intelligence, information, strategies, UNESCO.