A. Nuzzaci
University of Messina (ITALY)
The documents of the European Union underline how the European Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have increasingly paid attention to the quality of research results, which has not always been matched by attention to the quality of educational processes, thus emphasizing the widespread perception that teaching in universities is a relatively neglected activity (SWD(2017)164, pp. 35-39). The paper describes the research activities carried out in the framework of the international project ERASMUS KA2 QUALITI - Didactic QUALity Assessment for Innovation of Teaching and Learning Improvement, which involved five European countries (Italy, Spain, Romania, Lithuania and Poland) on the methodological-didactic skills of university teachers and which had the intention to identify two macro-areas of need:
1) the need to make the quality of teaching transparent and to obtain data through process evaluation indicators focused on teaching, which would make it possible to compare performance between universities, resulting in the first Intellectual Output (IO1) (Teaching Quality Indicators Framework - TQIF);
2) the need to improve and enhance academic teaching through the definition of benchmarks linked to specific indicators capable of measuring the level of teaching quality in universities, thus allowing targeted actions to support teaching, resulting in the second Intellectual Output (IO2) (University Teacher Profile Learning/Teaching Focused - TPLTF).

Starting from the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG, 2015), the project studied the types of indicators used to measure quality teaching and their adequacy, and identified some elements to promote the professional development of university teachers in terms of pedagogical and methodological-didactic skills with which to implement student-centered and teaching-focused practices.The creation of the third intellectual output (Methodological and Experimental Fieldbook - OER - IO3). The latter concerned an experiment related to the training of university professors and the preparation of an MLS lecture format validated in different disciplinary areas (scientific, humanistic and technical) and structured according to the indications obtained from the TQIF (IO1) and the TPLF (IO2), according to a single-group research design with a pre-experimental plan that included the use of a successful protocol.

Keywords: Higher Education, indicators, quality of teaching-learning processes, teaching-methodological skills.