University of Almería (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 6510-6514
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.1623
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
Most Spanish universities require a final project (FP) to obtain a degree, whether it is a bachelor’s or a master’s degree. In relation to these works, three main characteristics can be established: (a) they are works oriented to the development of a research or intervention where the competencies acquired during the learning period are evaluated; (b) it is a personal work, involving active performance; (c) it considers academic counseling as a facilitating means for the development of competences.
In this sense, Fuertes-Camacho et al. (2012) determine that the self-assessment process has interesting effects on student motivation. Positive expectations in relation to self-efficacy constitute one of the elements that most guarantee academic success. Therefore, by allowing students to participate in their evaluation, the feedback process is initiated, which will allow for improvement in learning.
This must be done together with the tutor (Álvarez-Fernández and Pascual-González, 2012). Jato et al. (2018) consider that much of the perceived value of the FP lies in providing a different learning experience, through which students learn to take responsibility for achieving their own goals. Thus, the existence of a protocol for guidance in the completion of the FP is an ideal tool for the control of the development itself, as well as to carry out the appropriate corrective measures to channel the work if there are differences with respect to what was programmed.
Given the importance and relevance of control in the learning processes, and the characteristics of the development of an FP, this work proposes the creation and development of a protocol for the realization of the FP with the intention of guiding students toward the development of research work. This is intended to increase the student's knowledge as well as to explore how the FP contributes to the development of skills and abilities.
The design of this protocol consists of three stages. First, the minimum contents are identified based on a sequential structure of the methodological application (e.g., identification of the topic, selection of the methodology, and evaluation of the results). This part is carried out by the professors. Secondly, a test version of the protocol is made and applied with the students as a trial and error. This part is carried out jointly by professors and students. The aim is to check the adequacy and fit between both parties. Thirdly, an evaluation and critique of the feedback obtained in the previous phase is carried out. All this leads to an improvement and refinement of the structure and contents of the protocol that adapts both to the regulatory requirements for the acquisition of competencies and to the autonomous work of the student.
The aim of this protocol is to increase the involvement of students in the development of FP and to initiate them in research.
Final project, student learning, tutoring.