International Black Sea University (GEORGIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 4637-4644
ISBN: 978-84-09-49026-4
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2023.1220
Conference name: 17th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 6-8 March, 2023
Location: Valencia, Spain
Female educators have multiple hats as they have to juggle between professional and family duties. They are required to be subject matter experts and knowledgeable ones in teaching. Since teaching is a mostly female-dominated profession, professionals frequently need to seek between immense job-related workload and household duties in their daily life. The article aims to analyze the tasks the female educators have to perform at work directly or indirectly viz-a-viz the family duties they assume as individuals. Researchers scrutinized institutional requirements for female educators in relation to job-related duties, remuneration, teaching and office hours. Consequently, the work-life balance of women was assessed to draw conclusions on making the impossible profession possible. The secondary data were analyzed and a survey in Likert scale and multiple-choice format was conducted among 100 school teachers from public and private general education institutions of Georgia. The research findings revealed the necessity for female teachers to possess time-management skills, balance female educators' workload to ensure quality teaching, and fill the gap of investing in personal and professional development.
Female educators, teaching profession, quality assurance, work-life balance, time-management, professional development.