Clemson University (UNITED STATES)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2020 Proceedings
Publication year: 2020
Pages: 7117-7122
ISBN: 978-84-09-17939-8
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2020.1883
Conference name: 14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 2-4 March, 2020
Location: Valencia, Spain
Classrooms today are filled with students who have never known a world without a computer, a world without the Internet, a world without smartphones. Students in today’s classrooms are much more technologically savvy than generations before, so it makes sense that a technology like augmented reality could benefit the world of education. While augmented reality (AR) is not a new technology, recent advances and increased adoption rates of augmented reality technology make this a very attractive tool for teachers to use in their classroom toolbox.

Augmented reality allows printed media the chance to come alive digitally. This digital interaction can be easily transferred to the classroom, and the major limitation to embracing augmented reality, is what do teachers do with it? Many teachers may have heard of AR but have no idea on how they might incorporate it into their curriculum.

To activate a digital experience with AR one needs a printed trigger along with a smartphone or digital tablet. This trigger is predefined in a specific software and then an app is used to create the interaction between print and digital. This action can be as simple as launching a website or a storefront, or it can launch a video, or even a 3d animation. One major limitation is that the actions are app specific and an AR experience is based upon downloading the correct app to make the experience happen.

From a teacher’s perspective AR allows the student a chance to engage digitally with the printed world. An example might be giving students a worksheet that includes printed pictures and then with a specific app the students are able to make the animals come alive and the students are then able to view the animals from all directions and can learn more from the digital interaction than just from the printed interaction.

This focus of this paper will be a meta-analysis on how AR is currently being used for education. Specific examples will be provided to help teachers know what is possible. A review of the specific software and apps needed will also be included. An historical perspective will also be included to show how augmented reality started. Future projections of AR use will also be included.
Augmented Reality, digital trigger, printed trigger, smartphone, app, software applications, enhanced education, digital overlay.