S. Ratner, R. Williams, E. Wonnacott
University of Oxford (UNITED KINGDOM)
In an era where technology has the potential to rapidly transform every aspect of our lives, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education stands at a crossroads. On the one hand, AI offers unprecedented opportunities to personalize learning, enhance pedagogical approaches, and bridge educational gaps. On the other, it raises critical concerns about data privacy, algorithmic bias, and equitable access. This paper explores how an interdisciplinary hub dedicated to AI in education (AIED) aims to help navigate these dualities.

AI in Education at Oxford University (AIEOU) is an interdisciplinary hub designed to support a research-informed, ethical, human-centred approach to AIED that supports the diverse needs of the global educational landscape. It does so through collaboration and knowledge exchange. AIEOU has established an initial network of members including academics from across the University alongside academic peers, educators, learners, foundations, governments and industry partners from around the world who are all committed to safely and responsibly leveraging the potential of AIED. Together, they will explore the potential and pitfalls of AIED and discover how a collaborative approach can help pave the way forward across the four research pillars of design, regulation, implementation and impact.

The hub will address critical challenges associated with AIED. Challenges that can best be attended to by those who best understand teaching and learning in collaboration with those who have a vested interest in achieving quality education for all.The interdisciplinary nature of the hub will facilitate a holistic approach to AIED. By combining insights from different disciplines, the hub will generate comprehensive solutions that consider the diverse needs of students, educators, and policymakers.

Ultimately, the establishment of this interdisciplinary hub aims to create a more inclusive, efficient, and effective educational system. By harnessing the potential of AI, we can prepare students for the demands of the 21st century and ensure that education remains a dynamic and evolving field.

Over the next decade, the global edtech market is expected to reach US$549 billion, and the AI in Education (AIED) market is forecast to reach US$88.2 billion. Yet, despite the enormity of the market, the educational value of many digital tools remains contested. If, as Hawking predicted, AI will transform every aspect of our lives then an interdisciplinary approach is essential to ensure all stakeholders are represented. We must work collaboratively to ensure that we are able to make research-informed decisions and that AIED serves the needs of the society and its young people well. We submit that it is important that such conversations are convened by educators in collaboration with end users, technologists, and other key stakeholders to best represent the needs of the learner.

Keywords: AI, education, interdisciplinary, leadership.

Event: INTED2025
Track: Digital Transformation of Education
Session: Data Science & AI in Education
Session type: VIRTUAL