J. Palá-Paúl1, S. Sabariego1, C. Arias1, M. Puelles-Gallo1, R. Abad-Calderón1, Y. Pérez-Pérez2
This research evaluates the students learning through online self-assessment. The title "MOTIVATION: The Botanical League of Knowledge" aims to attract and motivate students to study botany easier and consistently after each topic throughout the program. The self-assessment consists of questionnaires that cover the main ideas and vocabulary presented in botany lectures. These questionnaires were completed as competitive "battles" in pairs, between classmates from the same group. Results from these battles contribute to 10% of the course grade.
For the first topic, each student could challenge any classmate of their choice. However, if necessary, the teachers could make the pairings. The outcomes of these battles produced a ranking list of the most "motivated" or "apt" students for that topic. Winners earned points for their performance and were granted the privilege of selecting their next opponent in subsequent questionnaires. Rankings were updated after each topic, offering every student the opportunity to become the "champion" of the Botanical League of Knowledge.
This system fosters motivation not only through the pursuit of knowledge but also by incorporating an element of friendly "rivalry" between classmates. To prepare for battles, students could practice using topic-specific questionnaires, which were accessible prior to the corresponding assessments. Students requiring additional support were allowed unlimited practice attempts, improving their familiarity with the questions and promoting equity.
To implement this approach, question banks were developed for each topic, comprising approximately 50 multiple-choice, short-answer, or true/false questions. From these banks, randomized questionnaires of 10 questions served as both learning tools and digital rehearsals for the virtual battles.
We believe this method effectively combines gamification with self-paced learning to enhance engagement, foster competition, and promote deeper comprehension of botanical concepts.
Keywords: Motivation, e-learning, Gamification, Create Learning Content, Evaluation Method.