J. Perujo, A.A. Magreñán, L. Orcos
Universidad de La Rioja (SPAIN)
The use of technologies in classroom and the related skills that teachers must have were presented in a model by Koehler and Mishra, in 2009. This model was named Technological Pedagogical Content knowledge or the TPACK model, and unifies three different types of knowledge; the pedagogical, the didactic and the technological and their corresponding intersections. Our aim is to strengthen mathematics teaching in a secondary level course in La Rioja. In the same way, we try to consider the different advantages and disadvantages that we can obtain with these new technologies and whether they have positive results or not in the teaching of students. One of the tools that is gaining more and more presence in classrooms is BlocksCAD, software that allows geometric and abstract development, as well as computational thinking, which ranges from hand in hand with the beginnings of programming and mathematical logic as Bletrán-Pellicer et al. showed in 2020. On the other hand, the invention of problems as a tool has already shown good results in mathematics, as Ayllón, Gómez and Ballesta showed in 2016, where they show an increase in the student's knowledge through said problem invention. This talk presents the implementation of an intervention in a 3rd ESO classroom to promote the development of computational thinking. This intervention consisted of carrying out an experience in which the students carried out guided activities using the BlocksCAD tool during several sessions. In the last activity, problem invention is used since each student had to submit an invented problem that required the use of the BlocksCAD tool for its resolution. In addition, a satisfaction survey was carried out, in order to know first-hand what the students think about both the experience and the tool itself. In order to verify the development of computational thinking through experience, the students carried out a pre-test and post-test of the experience, which showed that the computational thinking can be promoted with this type of classroom experience. The results of this study show how the use of the BlockSCAD tool together with the use of problem invention has given good results in the group considered both at a motivational level and in terms of the acquisition of skills related to geometry.

Keywords: Problem invention, Modelization, Mathematics, Computational Thinking, BlocksCAD.