R.M. Pop
University of Oradea (ROMANIA)
Continuous internal training is an application of the school institution to make the activity of school teachers more efficient, in the sense of developing those skills necessary to respond as best as possible to the specifics of the educational unit and increasing the degree of integration/inclusion of students with SEN. In order to prove its effectiveness, a research was undertaken which, through continuous internal training, proposed the internal facilitation of the process of change and implementation of some strategies - informative/formative trainings.

The research identified and proposed a training model addressed to schools to ensure the increase in the efficiency of the way in which the school transition strategies to the inclusive school can be implemented.

The objectives of the research were:
1. analysis of the situation of inclusive education at the level of school institutions;
2. identifying the perceptions and barriers that exist at the attitudinal and behavioral level of school teachers regarding the transition to inclusive education;
3. analysis of the level of competences of the teaching staff in the experimental group;
4. analysis of the teamwork skills of the teaching staff in the experimental group;
5. development of a training program for teaching staff from the experimental group that corresponds to the training needs thus identified;
6. follow-up over time of the effects of the training course;
7. formulating recommendations and materials for the implementation of continuous internal training plans in the form of informative and formative trainings for inclusive education.

Research methods used: experiment, statistical analysis, documentary analysis, focus group, evaluation questionnaire.

The stages of the research were the following:
a. Diagnosis (pre-test), with the aim of identifying those barriers related to resources, attitudes or skills, which can intervene and negatively influence the school transformation process in the direction of the inclusive school.
b. Raising awareness, improving representations / cognitive stereotypes regarding the education and socialization of students with special educational requirements;
c. The intervention - the continuous internal training program acts in the direction of the development of those competencies and soft skills (teamwork, the ability to transmit information, leadership ability, negotiation capabilities, working in the conditions of cultural diversity), as well as "hard skills" (knowledge and skills that are necessary for the performance of work tasks).
d. Making the decision, involves the reorganization of the functional structures of the school and the review of the attitude of all the school employees towards the educational act;
e. Transition - the adoption of new ways of working in the didactic plan;
f. Evaluation of the process (post-test) - is a fundamental stage that certifies the success of promoting inclusive education.

Regarding the differences between the pretest and posttest time, statistically significant differences were recorded, measured on the experimental sample compared to the control group. A number of 52 teachers were asked to complete a multi-item questionnaire.

The flexibility of the proposed internal continuous training program makes it adaptable to multiple situations, which provides a suitable tool for schools to solve their internal problems, to optimize and streamline the activity, to create a climate of acceptance of diversity.

Keywords: Teaching competences, inclusive education, inclusive school, continuous training, continuous internal training, diversity acceptance.