P. Neves Rito
Higher School of Education of Viseu, Ci&DEI, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu (PORTUGAL)
The application of gamification in higher education has been increasingly explored as a means to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes. This literature review investigates the range of support technologies used to implement gamification techniques in higher education from 2019 to 2023. Gamification involves incorporating game design elements such as points, badges, leaderboards, and missions into educational contexts to foster motivation and participation.

Several platforms and tools have been identified as instrumental in the gamification of higher education. Key technologies include Kahoot!, Quizizz, and Classcraft, which provide interactive quizzes, real-time feedback, and role-playing elements that transform traditional learning environments into dynamic and engaging experiences (Pelizzari, 2024). These tools facilitate not only the creation of competitive and cooperative learning scenarios but also offer analytics for tracking student progress and participation (Johnson et al., 2021).

The literature highlights the positive impacts of gamification on student engagement, intrinsic motivation, and academic performance. Studies indicate that gamified environments can increase students’ willingness to participate in classroom activities and enhance their enjoyment and satisfaction with the learning process (Sailer et al., 2020). Moreover, the immediate feedback mechanisms and reward systems inherent in gamification contribute to better retention of information and practical application of knowledge (Zamorano et al, 2021).

However, the effective implementation of gamification in higher education is not without challenges. A significant concern is the potential for distraction and the risk of focusing too much on game mechanics at the expense of deep learning (Pelizzari, 2024). Furthermore, designing gamified experiences that are inclusive and accessible to all students, regardless of their gaming preferences or technical skills, remains a critical issue (Tomé Klock et al., 2024).

To address these challenges, the literature suggests the necessity for careful planning and thoughtful integration of gamification elements that align with educational objectives. It is crucial to balance the fun and engaging aspects of gamification with the academic rigor required in higher education (Krath et al., 2021). Additionally, ongoing research is needed to develop best practices and frameworks that guide educators in the effective use of gamification technologies.

So this paper pretends to present a comprehensive literature review on the utilization of gamification techniques in higher education, focusing specifically on support technologies. The study examines the current landscape of gamification in academia, highlighting the benefits and challenges associated with integrating game elements into educational settings. Through an analysis of existing research, this paper identifies key trends, best practices, and future directions for the effective implementation of gamification in higher education. The findings underscore the potential of support technologies in enhancing student engagement, motivation, and learning outcomes through gamified approaches.

Keywords: Gamification, Higher Education, Literature Review, Support Technologies.