I. Ainoutdinova, A. Khakimzyanova
Kazan Federal University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
The article considers web-based technologies (WBT) that accompany the digital transformation of society and the legal profession in terms of their relevance to the tasks of practice-oriented training (POT) of future lawyers at university. The relevance of the topic is due to the contradiction between the demand for lawyers with a set of "soft skills" and "digital skills" in addition to professional knowledge and competences ("hard skills") and their "deficit" in the legal services market. Thus, to improve the quality of higher education and competitiveness of university graduates in the labor market, it is necessary to revise the methodology and technology of training future lawyers in accordance with the realities and challenges of the digital era, the abilities of a new cohort of Z students and the emerging requirements of the legal profession. This approach will help engage students in an active educational process and bring them closer to the real needs of the digital society, with adaptation to the rapidly changing working conditions as the top priority.

In light of this, the psychological and pedagogical conditions of a comfortable practice-oriented learning environment at university were examined and defined. These include: innovative and technically equipped infrastructure of university; interconnection and interaction between innovative teachers, their students and internship sites of potential employers; responsive feedback and predictive feedforward; individualization of learning styles; objective technical means of control, evaluation and self-evaluation of learners, etc. Due application of legal WBT and cutting-edge methods and tools aimed at developing students' skills in algorithmization, automation, optimization and digitalization of their future legal activities shall also be an integral part of educational process.

The purpose of this article is to analyze and describe the main trends in the field of legal technologies and to distinguish such groups of online apps and Internet services as LawTech, LegalTech, RegTech (Regulatory Technology) and SupTech (Supervisory Technology). In doing so, we considered key differences in technologies related to the type of target audience (B2C – general users and lawyers; B2B – businesses and law firms; B2G – government departments and agencies) and the type of tasks for which a particular technology can be applied. Based on this, we have developed the author's classification of legal WBT for training future lawyers and methodological recommendations for the use of a variety of Internet-assisted technology by teachers in practical classes at university.

The methodological framework of the study relies on the socio-pedagogical, integrative, competency-based and comparative approaches that allow focusing on certain competencies and best teaching strategies for the use of legal WBT by leading universities. The main result of the study is the creation of an integrative model of practice-oriented learning environment that improves the quality of higher education and increases the degree of students' involvement in professional identity and career.

Keywords: University, web-based technologies (WBT), practice-oriented training (POT), future lawyers.