N. Broshuis, E. Valbusa
University of Applied Sciences Utrecht (NETHERLANDS)
Background and purpose of the presentation:
How do you make complex themes such as freedom of expression a topic for discussion in the classroom? Although the attack on Charlie Hebdo and the story of Samuel Paty, for example, has been discussed in many classrooms at one point or another, there is not a single curriculum for dealing with these kinds of subjects. Furthermore, research shows that in schools with a mixed population, current affairs are viewed in different ways: several realities coexist. Students see the world from the perspective they grew up in. Our classrooms at the University off Applied Sciences in Utrecht are also filled with students who all have different perspectives. A recent meeting for teachers on controversial topics showed that topics such as Trump, (homo)sexuality, gender, discrimination, diversity, corona, the death penalty, the Palestinian issue, political preference, body shaming, the refugee crisis and religious customs can lead to heated discussions and in some cases escalation in the classroom.
Therefore, there is a great demand and need for promoting of expertise and professionalization in discussing sensitive issues with students. With the project 'Discussing sensitive issues in the classroom', the Institute for Social Work (lecturers and students), together with the Diversity & Inclusion Network, wants to respond to this need.

A summary of the main points of the presentation: Lecturers together with students:
There is a great demand and need for promoting expertise and professionalization in discussing sensitive diversity issues between lecturers and students. During the workshop we will address fruitful ways for discussing sensitive diversity issues. Our students will present different methods which can be used for discussing sensitive diversity issues.

How the presentation will address one or more of the conference's aims and themes:
Democracies are facing social unrest and the public opinion is polarizing. Often discussions escalate and the pedagogical climate gets heated. From the perspective of active citizenship, innovation, ethical issues in Education and political diversity it’s crucial that lecturers/teachers and students explore new ways to discuss sensitive diversity issues and transcend everyday patterns of polarization. Education should play an active role in connecting people with conflicting views.

Conclusions from and implications of your presentation for practice, policy, or further research:
During this presentation we will share different ways of having fruitful conversations and make an inventory about the obstacles that colleagues experience in their practice of social work education. Also we aim at starting an European network for lecturers and students for further exchange and innovation.

Keywords: Education, dialogue, diversity, inclusion, Critical Thinking, Ethical Issues in Education.