The conference

ICERI2012, the 5th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation was held in Madrid (Spain), on 19th, 20th and 21st of November, 2012.

Conference programme

View ICERI2012 Technical Program

Conference Sponsors

its learning


Advisory Board

Full name Affiliation Country
Abdullah Sheikh University of East London UNITED KINGDOM
Andrea Wheeler Loughborough University UNITED KINGDOM
Ato Essuman Profile Consult GHANA
Beate Planche York Region District School Board CANADA
Chao-Chih Huang National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan. TAIWAN
Charles Cimino Wentworth Institute of Technology UNITED STATES
Cheryl Brunoro-Kadash University of Saskathcewan CANADA
Daniel Keyes University of British Columbia, Okanagan CANADA
Davies Banda York St John University UNITED KINGDOM
Dawne Gurbutt The Higher Education Academy UNITED KINGDOM
Denise Estafan New York University College of Dentistry UNITED STATES
Dorota Wiszejko-Wierzbicka Educational Research Instiute POLAND
Elaine Garcia Plymouth College of Art UNITED KINGDOM
Elsa Fernandes Universidade da Madeira PORTUGAL
Fernando Albuquerque Costa Universidade de Lisboa PORTUGAL
Gabriela Patricia González Alarcón Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México MEXICO
George Onatu University of Johannesburg SOUTH AFRICA
Gert Hurkmans Taxandria cvo Turnhout BELGIUM
Giovanna Carloni University of Urbino ITALY
Glenn Palmer DeVry UNITED STATES
Gloria Marciales Pontificia Universidad Javeriana COLOMBIA
Heidi Depraetere CrossLang BELGIUM
Henry Khiat SIM University SINGAPORE
Iulia Mihalache Université du Québec en Outaouais CANADA
Jazlin Ebenezer Wayne State University UNITED STATES
Jenny Sim RMIT University AUSTRIA
John Webb University of Melbourne AUSTRALIA
Kalaimagal Ramakrishnan University of Malaya MALAYSIA
Karyn Holt Drexel University UNITED STATES
Keith Bain Liberated Learning Consortium, Saint Mary's University CANADA
Kenneth Fawson National University UNITED STATES
Lakshmi Charli National Laboratory of Sustainability Sciences MEXICO
Larissa Turusheva Latvia University of Agriculture LATVIA
Lilla Csaky Innovamed Medical and Educational Development Ltd. P. HUNGARY
Lorenzo Bowman DeVry University/Keller Graduate School of MGMT UNITED STATES
Maria Freitas UNESP BRASIL
Martín Ortiz León FES Aragón UNAM MEXICO
Mary Briggs University of Warwick UNITED KINGDOM
Mary Kirwan Dublin City University IRELAND
Monika Vejchodova University of Pardubice CZECH REPUBLIC
Muhammad Naeem Moshin University of Education PAKISTAN
Nathalie Wesseling Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences NETHERLANDS
Peter Haber Salzburg University of Applied Sciences AUSTRIA
Peter Heath Higher Colleges of Technology UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
Pieter-Jan Drouillon KU Leuven BELGIUM
Renu Motwani Oracle Corporation UNITED STATES
Roopesh Kevin Sungkur Univeristy of Mauritius MAURITIUS
Ross Osmun Bishop's University CANADA
Russell Gurbutt University of Leeds UNITED KINGDOM
Sanet Haupt University of Pretoria SOUTH AFRICA
Sarolta Lipóczi Teacher Training Faculty of the Kecskemét College HUNGARY
Shermane Austin Medgar Evers College, City University of New York UNITED STATES
Silvia Bassanese Robert Gordon University UNITED KINGDOM
Sónia Martins Escola do 2.º e 3.º Ciclo dos Louros PORTUGAL
Suad Sakalli Gumus Mustafa Kemal University TURKEY
Sushma Mishra Krishna Devi Girls Degree College, Lucknow INDIA
Suzanne Aurilio San Diego State University UNITED STATES
Tomás Patrocínio Institute of Education - University of Lisbon PORTUGAL
Tord Talmo Sør-Trøndelag University College (HiST) NORWAY
Vassilios Dagdilelis University of Macedonia GREECE
Vivian Rumjanek Federal University of Rio de Janeiro BRASIL
Yasushige Ishikawa Kyoto University of Foreign Studies JAPAN
Yelena Istileulova University of Ljubljana/KIMEP SLOVENIA


iceri2012 abstracts cd Title: ICERI2012 Abstracts
ISBN: 978-84-616-0764-8

This CD includes all accepted abstracts at ICERI2012 conference.
iceri2012 proceedings cd Title: ICERI2012 Proceedings
ISBN: 978-84-616-0763-1

This CD includes all accepted papers at ICERI2012 conference.

Browse this publication in IATED Digital Library

Keynote speaker: Tim Rylands

Tim Rylands keynote speech was a truly inspiring and engaging journey through a range of ideas to use ICT in the classroom to make the learning experience more engaging, enjoyable and most importantly inspiring. Enjoy his imaginative and encouraging style of teaching, which allows children to express their creativity and make significant gains in attainment. He inspired the delegates with a range of Web2 tools and software (most of it FREE), hand-held devices, games and more. Rylands is a firm believer that ICT is about communication more than technology… and that it should be FUN.

Keynote speech available at the IATED Talks section.


Conference videos: (click to watch)

Attendant interviews: (click to watch)